Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Logo Sketching and Illustrator

For the past week, my e-Comm class has been working on creating our own personal logos. We started by sketching three different logos, and then chose one of the logos to draw again. After our drawings were complete, we recreated the drawings in Adobe Illustrator. This was kind of hard for me, considering I'm not very good at working in illustrator.

For my logo, I started with a pinkish-beige background. I then made the outline of the glasses. i chose this as my logo because I have huge glasses that cover like half of my face that I literally cant see without. I consider them a huge part of who I am so it just made sense to make my logo about them. After I finished the glasses, i made sort of an abstract version of my initials to the side. While i know it's not the best logo ever made, I'm overall satisfied with the final result considering how bad i am at the program.

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